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Rays of sunlight now are gone..

..Only visions of ice will remain
The fallen ones and forgotten souls
Will rise up over the slain
And to the battle on, forever standing strong
We feel the fire power of the night warriors1

Guys, this is an absolutely rare situation for me..2

First of all, I want to apologize myself for being too late with Firefox V2 releases — I do know that time for version 2.5 is gone since many, many weeks.. And I won’t try to explain why or how this delay happened as it doesn’t change the fact that I abandoned you, the Firefox V2 users..
Instead, I’m announcing that version 2.5 will be available until New Year’s Eve!3

Read the rest of this entry »

  1. DragonForce — Black Winter Night, my all-time favorite besides HammerFall’s Last Man Standing []
  2. So, be soft on me for this, please.. []
  3. But you all should know that this version will be the last one I’m developing as I’m already focused on Firefox V3 with a brand new look.. []

All your wisdom made me seek..

.. the truth that lied beyond my inner dreams1

Guys, this is a very special post for me.. Not only because I’m announcing Firefox V2 2.5 to arrive within this (or the next) month, but mostly because I did some things I’d normally never ever do..
But times are changing and so I thought that I could try it, although I almost knew that it would be impossible2 — so here it is:

AMD — Do More In Less Time

I know that it’s not that “uga-aga-boom-mega-afterburner”3 type of an image — but come on, it looks awesome and rocks, right? :D

Lastly, I’d like to state that version 2.5 of Firefox V2 will be the last one of the 2.x series and that I’m going to do brand new graphics for Firefox V3! 8)

Take care,
Martin.. :)
  1. Oh, I love HammerFall’s “The Unforgiving Blade” just so much.. :D []
  2. That makes the feeling even better! ;) []
  3. Man, that word is crazy.. :D []

When the flames of glory touch the sky..

.. trailblazers do or die!1

So, folks, guess what: it’s already time for an update for Firefox V2! :D
About two weeks have passed and I was working hard to get things done more quickly and (most important) get them done in the best way I knew off. Additionally, I’ve created a German version of Firefox V2 for my compatriots.

Go, get it here: Firefox V2 2.4

Also, I’ve modified the conditions under which Firefox V2 can be distributed. So please have a look at the “Copyright notice” at the “Contact”-page in order to get the new ones.. ;)

Some words for my German visitors:

Mit Veröffentlichung von Version 2.4 gibt es nun auch eine deutsche Version von Firefox V2 für alle begeisterten Liebhaber des feurigen Fuchses! :D
Wenn ihr sie haben wollt, klickt einfach oben auf Firefox V2 und dann auf “German Version”.. :)

Take care,
Martin.. :)
  1. Yeah, I do believe that I’m a trailblazer in some cases.. :D []

Born to conquer the fight..

.. here we stand with the Future in our hands,
through fire we’ll rise to touch the sky1

So, this is the moment most of you have been waiting for: the final release of Firefox V2 2.3!

I know it has been way too long for the release to happen, but there were several2 reasons that prevented me from finishing the code.
Anyway, this version seems to be completely3 free of bugs, layout-breaking stuff or other errors4.

Though, there are some major changes which should be remembered before updating:
  • Support for the following plugins has been completely dropped: Calendar, Footnotes5 and This Day In History6.
  • Beginning with version 2.3, the following plugins are now supported: CharCounter and Extended Live Archives
  • Layout of category and archives listings have been improved.
  • Most important, I’ve switched to XHTML 1.1, so not well-formed syntax is one of the errors you might see after updating7
.. and yes, the next version8 will take some time.. :P

Martin.. :D
  1. No, this time it’s HammerFall’s “On The Edge Of Honour”.. :D []
  2. Mostly private things which I’d like to keep private.. ;) []
  3. It’s open source software, so there might be still a bug or two.. ;) []
  4. If not, feel free to drop me a line via the comments or the contact form. []
  5. There’s a newer version available called “WP-Footnotes” which offers already an option to change the listing so that leading zeros are shown. []
  6. Firefox V2 does the Wikipedia-link for its own.. []
  7. But remember: my theme’s source code is valid.. []
  8. In case no major bugs will occur.. ;) []

On the endless seas of madness…

.. we sail forever more
And the endless tears of sadness towards the distant shores
When the flame has died forever we stand one and all
With the power of the almighty sword1

Hey guys — it’s been a long time since my last post, right? ;)

First of all: life is still only plain shit2.. Furthermore, I got some news and I think the world should know them, so here is (kind of) a newsflash:

  1. new keyboard: Logitech G153 — it just kicks ass! 8)

  2. new router: AVM Fritz!Box 71704 — handles everything (and I do mean *everything*) regarding ADSL (2+), VoIP, LAN and of course POTS, too.

  3. new account created: I’m now addicted to Last.FM, too.. :D

  4. new private tasks: enhancing “Inter 1”, a G15-config I’m currently using; posting more entries to my blog; extending my blog with pages..

  5. new WordPress version: I’ve updated my blog to 2.1.2 and so far, everything still runs just fine.. — Theme development made some steps forward, too5.. ;)

  6. new feeling about life: not that “I’m-cast-away-and-totally-down”-feeling, but sort of “Why can’t I find an apprenticeship which suits my skills and wishes?” and “Why do I have to prove my abilities again and again and again and …?!” — feels strange, feels sapping, feels just so bad.. :'( And the worst thing about that: I do know my bad situation, but still haven’t found a way out6.. :(

  1. Yes, yet another blockbuster from DragonForce — it’s called “Black Winter Night” []
  2. But as I’m up shit creek without a paddle, I won’t hang my head.. ;) []
  3. Actually, I didn’t bought it — got it as a bonus after subscribing to a German hardware-mag.. []
  4. Sorry, I couldn’t find an english version of the 7170-page.. []
  5. An ETA? Hum, what about next week? :D []
  6. Hence the quoted lyrics at the beginning.. []

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